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Sentience Machine - Microscopic Enemy

Music Video Production

Consultant and Production Assistant

Microscopic Enemy is a song by rock band Sentience Machine. The track is a reference to the pandemic and the impact on mental health caused by economic and social hardships, media coverage and the capitalists who have cashed in on the crisis.


The underlying statement of the song is about reclaiming back our lives, liberty and freedom.


I worked as a consultant on the music video, and assisted the band and filmmakers - Cineoteric Films - with the narrative, storyboarding and the overall look and feel of the video. I sourced filming locations and ensured location agreements were completed.


During shoot days, I assisted with the band's performance direction, make-up and general runner duties. I also assisted with post production, where I viewed rough cuts and advised on edits.

Sentience Machine

Photo by Emma Brown Photography

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